exactly how it sounds.

picture yourself driving, and the terrain..let's say it's snow, you're driving and your front tires go over a lump of snow, but the snow was so high, that when it goes under your car, it actually lifts it, like a jack. basically your car bottom is sitting on the snow. Some good ways to get out of this would be to get a shovel and get that crap all out from the under the car.
Another example would begoing off roading with a REALLY high car, and you got over an high dirt bump, and the same thing happens.
So..the reason for writing this definition is because I just took my pops car jeep out to try and be cool in the 2 feet of snow...i got high centered like a b*tch.

Shane and Billy were driving their car when they thought they were cool, and got it high centered. They cried.
by Cobain will have justice December 22, 2006
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getting stuck on the toilet with no toilet paper, and nobody to help you
just the other day i was poopin and i noticed at the last moment there wasn't any toilet paper. i cryed for help but there was nobody! i was high centered
by karlton self is the best June 24, 2009
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an actual hellhole. if you’re unfortunate enough to attend this school, how’s it like to have mold poisoning, being a drug addict, not showering, or being completely normal and getting shamed for it? and how’s it like dealing with some of the generous pedo teachers? if you want extra credit you bet they have it. whenever you walk past the bathrooms you immediately smell a whiff of what can only be what hell smells like. the roof is collapsing and so is our physical health.
girl 1: oh my god what is that smell
girl 2: its the bethlehem center high school kids.

guy 1: makes sense
by mygollyimgonnapee January 7, 2024
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Flashback to the one time where drank Fireballs were littered around the school like Christmas decorations. The bathrooms are moldy, not with water but urine. The FootBall team is overfunded so the alcoholics and weed fiends of the school can express themselves by holding balls (no homo for them though, they’re homophobic). It either smells like straight up cat pee, sewage, weed, nicotine or semen, or maybe all of the above! Maybe let’s fund some of the actual talented programs, like the music and theater program. We don’t need actual rapists getting the glory.
boy 1: imagine having an overfunded football program and still losing all of the games ever
boy 2: yeah L imagine being the 7th worst school in PA
girl 1: bethlehem center high school can relate
by fortnitejoebidenluvrpeaking March 26, 2024
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