1. An illness which involves pubic lice, a.k.a. crabs, which have herpes. Most likely found on those who choose not to shower.

2. What you tell someone your ex has.

Dwayne: Man, yo so dirtay, your crabs got the herps.
Shawn: you got the "Crab-Herps" from the girl down the hall, too?
by civic_90 April 20, 2009
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One of the most pernicious venereal diseases ever. What appears to be a simple herpes blister swells up to 4 times normal size, and erupts; releasing thousands of tiny crabs. the crabs disperse, fornicate, and lay eggs which mature into herpes-crabs blisters...
Girl, don't sleep with him or you'll get a wicked case of Herpes-crabs. Herpes crabs
by wodiespodie May 19, 2016
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