The cream cheese that accumulates underneath a black man's balls.(Multiple Times)

Used as an entry for applications or as a spread for Rahknar's Bread.
Chipstrada, how many grefts are required to submit an application to Manifest Destiny?
by Xannicus January 31, 2008
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1. the cream cheese that accumulates underneath a black man's balls; 2. an african variety of fromunda cheese
This greft has a much more potent flavor than most fromunda cheeses I have had
by ranga-swami April 8, 2005
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Grefting is derived from the word Gref, generally used to describe the action of Gash-Hunting, or being out on the pull. Is occasionally used to describe the act of stealing/shoplifting, and hiding the objects stolen inside ones Gref, or Vagina.
1. The Boys were going out Grefting, hopes were high as Robert and the BabeRider had a foolproof plan.

2. Whilst shopping in ASDA, Ollie and friends noticed a crowd of gypsy women 'Grefting' their weekly neccessities.
by Big-OH January 24, 2009
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