great times

To proclaim extreme pleasure, and/or eventful times normally involving alcohol. It can be used to describe the event, or to share with others the acknowledgement of your positive feelings about a meeting or event.
In question form: 'Did you go for great times last night?'

Exclamation: 'Great times!' - normally followed by clinking glasses together in the traditional 'cheers' motion.

Response to news:

A Guy: 'So did you hook up with xxx last night?'
Laid Guy: 'Yup'
A Guy: 'Great times'
by jase n tonic May 29, 2006
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Great Time

sick dang ass band, fire beats
Great Time is fucking kool, way better than those stinkin 21 pilot
by stanny bunkwood November 14, 2018
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having a great time

When experiencing a great time, usually when in the company of close friends. Where you announce to the group/friends that you are 'having a great time'.
That guy over there, he's having a great time.
by wolfpack macj May 13, 2011
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