Someone reluctant, or downright afraid, to use, the most popular search engine on the web. Whether their excuse is one of ignorance, fear, or anything else, this would all fall under the category of googlephobe.
Mick: Hey, I heard they caught a 110-pound coelacanth off the coast of Indonesia. I need to look that up on Yahoo.
Mike: Yahoo?! Man, quit bein' such a googlephobe.
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A person who, out of ignorance or just plain laziness, refuses to search Google for facts so basic and rudimentary that Google could retrieve them in a manner of seconds. These people much prefer to query other humans, especially while internet chatting.
"Dude, how many feet are in a mile?"
"You are using a computer to ask ME how many feet are in a mile? What a Googlephobe!"
by Rev. Tim Richardson May 16, 2008
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some one afraid or to lazy to search for an answer.
instead they post the question for others to answer.
the googlephobe on the forum are driving me nuts with their questions.
by jac_knife May 5, 2007
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