Ancient wisdom and beauty. Opposite of stupidity. A feeling that brings mind, body and heart together and provides peace.
In the middle of all the confusion and chaos of the riot she stood still and spoke from her heart. She created pure Gitanjali
by abolish ignorance July 13, 2005
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Gitanjali is a sweet girl
Gitanjali is a good girl
by November 24, 2021
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From ethnic Coke addicted minority. Used to describe a person who enjoys clapping,lesbianism and Paris Hilton.
1)Don't be such a Gitanjali you good for nothing boffin

2)Shut yo mouth you Gitanjali ho!

3)I love Gitanjali, mwah (clap!)
by Yak April 18, 2005
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gitanjali is a giant giant giant humongous bitch
Person 1: dude i met a girl who is the definition of bitch
Person 2: It was a gitanjali wasn't it
by username0330 May 13, 2024
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