(n.) Gabungah is a word created by Niel Cicierega. It first appeared in the animutation "Team Rocket's Journey Through Time and Space" for about frames. It can have a variety of meanings, but is normally a name.
There once was a dirty old man. His name was GAHBUNGA.
by Demamas Lanthorn December 13, 2003
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Can be used in a variety of ways including battle cries, insults, whatever!
Man 1: Must you always be such a gahbunga?
Man 2: I can't help it. My middle name is literally 'Gahbunga'!
by Annon March 24, 2005
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an expression used to convey anger or disrespect.
You dumb gahbunga, go finish that!

What the gahbunga are you doing?
by John Lenard September 17, 2006
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