A middle-aged man from the North East that has gone through an endless midlife crisis, who aspires to be just as much as a shitface as any other psychopathic devil. This Beta male thrives on taking people to court, using steroids, covering up an unrecoverable receding hairline, and being a terrible father. In most cases, this narcissist feeds off of drama and alienates his children and exes to console his weak ego while looking good in front of the mirror. Generally, someone that builds a huge following as an inspiring social media influencer, but is a shitty person when off camera. They all know that they are gaslighting pussies, who are afraid of anyone 1-upping them, and are quick to manipulate their "enemy" by either playing the victim, or innocent when getting called out on their utter bullshit. They're often a kiss-up when interacting with anyone who has called them out in the past, to act like a "nice guy". It only takes about 2 days for them to show who they really are again, but not in the way you would think. He will tell you to do something in a nice way, but if you say you don't want to, he won't stop pushing until you agree to do so, making him a control freak. These morons don't understand that having people do stuff for him constantly doesn't make him look responsible. It takes the approach of making him look like a bitch-ass, insecure, <i> fuckfake <i/> who has nothing better to do than create drama. These "creatures" are also known for their jealous behavior.
Guy: "Can you believe that bodybuilder slandered some guy on social media?"
Friend: "Yeah, that guy is a real fuckfake."
by psichowolf March 7, 2021
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