The feeling you get when you've been apologized to by a politician, yet you feel like they've just said, "Go fuck yourself!"
When a mayor of a city, let's say of the size of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, makes an apology that leaves you with the feeling that they just didn't mean it and were telling you where to go is fordnication.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith November 18, 2013
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Having your head up your ass so far that you can't hear anything reasonable people say. Only the sounds of your friends and social conservatives can reach that far up your colon.

Especially relevant to the head of Ford Nation, currently the premiere of Ontario, a wannabe Trump.


The head of Ford Nation (The FordNicator): Let's let the folks have their say on this policy.
Folks: We don't like the policy
FordNicator: The process has been highjacked by special interests!
Premier Ford continues the fordnication of the province of Ontario by ignoring the desires of the majority and catering to a vocal minority all while appointing his friends to senior positions.

Premier Ford fordnicated his old political enemies out of jobs in a spasm of political revenge.

Premier Ford fordnicated City of Toronto councilors whom voted against his brother in the past by arbitrarily reducing the size of city council.
by right2bleft December 19, 2018
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