Descended from it's great uncle 'gains as' which can be found here in the Urban dictionary. Similar to the remixed version of 'flaz' 'as' or 'az'
I'm so over saying as all the time flazdge
by G@1N$@$!™ May 17, 2023
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Similar to it's cousin 'as' which descended and simplified itself from 'gains as' which was originated in October 29th 2017 and can be found right here in the Urban dictionary but unfortunately not officially documented until after January 2021 by a great friend of mine L.ball or Triips on SoundCloud if you can be bothered looking it up who was also a cousin of flaz.
I'm so over saying 'as' 'gains as' 'flaz' all the time I need to mix it up a bit flazdge
by G@1N$@$!™ May 16, 2023
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