- Evasive facebook status or comments that are mysterious, vague, or unclear
- Sometimes suggest you're upsett or depressed, or can be a cry for help
Person may vaguely hint on something or bring something up and then refuse to talk about it

Similar to vagubooking
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1- Facebook status: Jon Jacob Schmitt is 2nd guessing his decisions or Jon Jacob Schmitt is errr or Jon Jacob Schmitt is not feeling well -feedback: 2,345,678

Friend's comments: What's wrong, Jon?

Response: Onhh it's nothing/I don't wana talk

Friends: Gahh stop evasivebooking!

Friends: Are you sick?

Response: Naa..or kind of
2- Comments:

Jon: ughh. My life blows/sucks. :

Nice friend: What's wrong? What's up? Call me.

Jon: Oh it's nothing, I don't want to talk about it. Dx
by AmateurFriendPsychologistNaomi February 6, 2010
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