The act of mixing multiple threads of conversation into an email discussion. Thereby causing sensitive information to be sent to an invalid party. Note: this is typically considered a fo-pa on the part of the original thread mixer.
john caused emailasculation when he decided to have to converstaions at once.
by he who know's all April 4, 2003
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The act of mixing multiple threads of conversation into an email discussion. Thereby causing sensitive information to be sent to an invalid party. Note: this is typically considered a fo-pa on the part of the original thread mixer. Exception: When the 2 threads are not related then the fo-pa is credited to the original violator. Responding to the original thread correctly is hereby the responsibilty of the respondee.
john caused emailasculation when he decided to have two converstaions at once but Wayne committed pre-emailasculation when he responded.
by Webster April 4, 2003
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