some one who gets scared and acts like a wuss or some one who drops something a person who chickens out of something and acts unmanly ie drops his nuts.
some one who gets scared and acts like a wuss or some one who drops an object on the ground and therefor is a drop nut.
by jeffersonnnnn October 19, 2006
by theDV8 January 25, 2009
To get scared and not do sumthing
an example of Drop nuts. If u say your goin to get a chicks number then chicken out at the last second.
by GOSPA March 12, 2008
by Shaun Yeapp January 30, 2008
Another name for a hernia, specifically a scrotal hernia. Exaggerating that an extreme hernia would blow out your scrotum and make your testicle fall to the ground.
by Biohazed June 2, 2005
by The Guffer July 17, 2003
1. Literally: To drop one's nut on the ground.
2. Slang: Used with the correct emphasis, this phrase can mean almost anything.
Coined accidentally one night when a poor soul dropped his pistachio nut on the ground. This catchy phrase finds seldom use
2. Slang: Used with the correct emphasis, this phrase can mean almost anything.
Coined accidentally one night when a poor soul dropped his pistachio nut on the ground. This catchy phrase finds seldom use
Are you gonna drop a nut?
Scottie dropped a nut.
Richie was so distracted he was forced to drop a nut.
Scottie dropped a nut.
Richie was so distracted he was forced to drop a nut.
by MadSoup April 28, 2004