A derogatory term implying someone is far "douchier" than the standard "douchiness" associated with a simple douche bag. A Douche Spittoon contains not just the contents of a rancid, purulent twat, but additionally the spent chew, phlegm, and sputum from a cowboy with horrendous oral hygiene. Alternatively a douche spittoon could contain contents of a pretentious victorian twat.
1. "Howdy, there partner, we have a warrant for the arrest of that douche spitoon, there yonder."

2. That guy gives douche bags a bad name; he is a real douche spittoon!

3. Phoebe was out of luck; as she forgot her bag, she was forced to hover over a douche spittoon to cleanse her rancid victorian twat!
by Finnster13 January 24, 2018
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A derogatory term implying someone is far "douchier" than the "douchiness" associated with a simple douche bag. A Douche Spittoon contains not just the contents of a rancid, purulent twat, but additionally the spent chew, phlegm, and sputum from a cowboy with horrendous oral hygiene. Alternatively a douche spittoon could contain contents of a pretentious victorian twat.
1. "Howdy, there partner, we have a warrant for the arrest of that douche spitoon, there yonder."
2. That guy gives douche bags a bad name; he is a real douche spittoon!
3. Phoebe was out of luck; as she forgot her bag, she was forced to hover over a spittoon to cleanse her rancid victorian twat!
by Finnster13 January 24, 2018
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