a dirty eagle is when you are fucking a girl after a nice meal and you get underneath her, extend your neck out and make her puke down your face and throat, whilst you scream bird noises to the top of your lungs.
by r33tr0e August 19, 2021
An alcoholic drink created in 2011, it is named after its creator "The Dirty Eagle". It is created by mixing 30% vodka, 35% cranberry juice, and 35% mountain dew. Resulting in a crisp refreshing drink that is sure to wow any boozer. No Need To Drink Responsibly.
by Richard Tinderstick November 1, 2011
The act of emmiting fecal matter onto a flat surface area and laying down in it moving limbs back and forth as if making a snow angel.
by Slowhand November 26, 2004
A woman must bend over the barrier of the bed while the man cuts into her back with a blade. He then precedes to open her back and take her lungs out and hang them over her shoulder. After this step the man must use the woman’s rib cage as handle bars as he aggressively has intercourse with her behind . If at any point she makes a sound either of pain or pleasure, she will not be accepted into Valhalla.
by Danish cross May 13, 2022