dirty owen

The act of fingering a woman's asshole while she gives you head, often used so she can give it to you better
Sarah was getting a little sloppy, so I gave her a Dirty Owen
by Technicallylegal January 30, 2016
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dirty owen

The act of fingering a females asshole while she gives you head, usually used to make her give it better
Sarah was getting a little sloppy, so I gave her a Dirty Owen
by Technicallylegal January 30, 2016
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Dirty owen

The act of fisting a girl so hard the rings of cartilage that hold her vagina together fracture
"my girlfriend thought she was a whore, so I gave her a dirty Owen
by Fanny muncher April 11, 2020
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Dirty Owen

When you slap someone's ass so hard the sound explodes the moon
guy 1: I haven't seen a full moon in a while
guy 2: probably because I pulled a dirty Owen on some guy walking down the street
by Rednaksnek May 11, 2022
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Dirty Owen

The action of eating a girl out so well that that she begins to squirt everywhere while she gives you the best head you will ever receive
Me and that girl totally pulled a Dirty Owen last night
by Philly steak March 8, 2021
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Dirty Owen

When your balls deep in a girl and then you take your fingers stick them so far up her asshole she moans louder than a lions roar then take a big ass shit on her for head and smear it to make an L
I just Dirty Owen’d that girl so hard she gone have nightmares about than one
by Lolkop February 17, 2022
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Dirty owen

The act of giving a man a blowjob in a YMCA bathroom and then letting him cum all over your face while you rub his asshole.
“did you hear that blonde kid did a dirty owen

“yea he totally ate all that dudes cum”
by Dirtycumlicker May 19, 2023
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