A desperado is a female that meets all of these characteristics...
-low self esteem
-poor social skills
-desperate want for male affection

and usually these characteristics...
-decent looking
-high sex drive
-few close friends

but most imporatantly, a female is not a desperado unless she...
-hooks up with, fucks, or dates general tools, losers, weirdos, abusive men, assclowns, pizza faces, disproportionally younger men, disproportionally older men, men who speak a language that the desperado can't understand, comic book/anime nerds, etc...
Guy 1 "dude remember that kid back in high school that worked at 7-Eleven?"

Guy 2 "which one?"

Guy 1 "you know, the dude with the really bad acne problem, he wore that wrestlemania t-shirt every other day, smelled awful..."

Guy 2 "oh yeah that weird kid, whats his name... um, Eugene. what about him?"

Guy 1 "I saw him the other day with some really hot chick, I guess they're going out now"

Guy 2 "wow, did he change at all?"

Guy 1 "nope, same old dirty ass Eugene"

Guy 2 "wow, that girl's a desperado"
by Fuck Will Smith... I Am Legend February 2, 2008
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a very sore butthole which may possibly be inflicted with a case of hemmmoroids. this may cause excessive pain. possible signs are: bloody butthole, excessive complaining, soreness, and restlessness
"you guys, desperado is killing me."
by wenis penis January 19, 2010
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Dis one waz from da streets man!
Somebody so damn desperate to be loved and adored.
Eg. a Big Brother contestant.
by Kinny April 19, 2005
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bandits in da club, playground, or workplace. usually of mexican/indian decent. also refers to an imprisoned white adolescent.
i ain't no straight cat, i be a desperado.

dude, keep your eye on that desperado
by Fuzzle Puppy February 14, 2009
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A man with long dark hair, usually shoulders-length. Based on the Desperado movie.
by necroticcadaver April 8, 2009
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a man who has homies to back him up but in the end he feels lonely
(love wise)
he rejects alot of girls and still wonders why he is alone.
scott: why can't i find someone? im going to be alone forever.

ramon: shut up, you're a DESPERADO, you reject like every girl that show interest in you.

scott: i know. ;(
by DE$PERADO October 27, 2017
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a mustache that goes down to your jawline, made famous by outlaws in the wild west. only to be worn by catfish, champions, and all around badasses like hulk hogan.
I wouldnt fuck with that guy cuz he has a desperado mustache
by Brian Dennehey January 21, 2007
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