Did you see that kid give the stray cat a can of tuna?

Yeah she was defiantly a DeeBee
by Aceofspades February 7, 2012
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A despicable scumball that puts greed above all else. They never have enough money and pretend they're doing things for good reasons but instead are after further financial gains. They pretend to be charitable, but have an eye to what they get from it themselves. Never out of the papers with his stick insect of a wife and talent-less kids....
Your selling hand sanitiser for 100x the price???? In a pandemic?? You fucking deebee!!!!!
by TheCorrectKnowledge March 29, 2020
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Guy 1: Ever since the DeeBees got 'ere, the whole lot's led us society 'ete into a hoppity down-spiral into shit.
Guy 2: Dude, that's fucking racist.
by Bitholeous March 17, 2019
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