When a man spits and shits on a girls vagina then mixes them together for a lubricant. It is also known to heal minor herpes outbreaks.
If you're worried that girl has the herp, give her some sloppy schoeb steamer cream.
by badhatter88 October 11, 2011
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When an individual farts (or sharts) a hot cum load.
Person 1: Ayyy man, did you hear about that couple that had anal sex in the Home Depot bathroom?

Person 2: Nah man, ain't heard nothin' bout it...

Person 1: Apparently, the girl ate a lot of beans the night before. She had terrible gas. She farted so hard, it vaporized the dudes load!

Person 2: Wow! So she gave him a steamed creamer?

Person 1: Close, it was a Creamed Steamer. A steamed creamer would be if she shat cum in a cup of coffee! Hahaha.
by BobShart July 1, 2023
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When a girl gets you so excited you shoot your load and spray shit at the same time!
You got so excite Your mom was jerking you off you laid a cream steamer on the bed sheets..

She was so hot I gave her a cream steamer
by Thomas broadway February 15, 2017
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