Something to say when a person is being a dumbass.

Having your head shoved so far up your butt crack, you could wear it for a hat. Deriative from the popular insults "to have your head up your ass" or "ass hat".
God damn, you're a crack hat!
by firewall007 May 7, 2005
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Like a beer hat, but with crack cocaine
James: I just pictured you in a beer hat
Lucy: Why not a crack hat?
by polopice February 4, 2008
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A cheap hat, which, when put on, makes a large knob on top of your head. Generally baby blue, these hats are often quite humorous, especially if they are extremely high up. Named so because sometimes crack is carried within the knob.
Nigga Jim: damn, that guy must be carrying pounds of crack in that crack smuggler hat!

Wigger Jiminy: shit, son!
by Monklee March 18, 2009
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