The word Cosmopygian originated from the combination of the title of the magazine Cosmopolitan, which wouldn't let Sir Mix A Lot use their magazine title in his video, and the word Callipygian, which means having well-shaped buttocks. They thought it would be degrading to women as he talks about how he loves big butts. I think they were butt-tight conservatives.
A magazine that parodies Cosmo and supports his thesis at the same time, Cosmopygian. SuhWeet
by TA159 April 8, 2012
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The word Cosmopygian is originated from the word cosmopolitan magzine which wouldn't let sir mix alot use their magazine title in his video.They also thought it would be degrading to women;as he talks about how he loves big butts.
a magazine that is the same as cosmopolitan except that it doesn't have the same name. due to copyright.It would have ruined their image.cosmopygian
by adlajsdkl June 27, 2011
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