going on a mass eating of corn, a cornage if you will
Gworl: "Wow! Joe went on a cornage the other day!"
by Freddy Paperpal May 7, 2022
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Currently the best GUI for Rogue Lineage on the market, made by cron. Has actual features unlike Elym made by Pysef.
cron has a massive penis and he is cool.
be like cron
(cool person1) : cornage winning
(pysef) : ?ban cool person1
(pysef) : no advertising (in his mind he is having a panic attack because there is a new gui that is 200x better than his)
(cron) lo
by NiggerBot TM November 21, 2019
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It's the cycle of only eating corn until your body is only processing and releasing sweetcorn. Your body becomes reliant on corn. You could eat the same corn again this the cycle continues.
Did you hear about uncle Ron? He's gone on the perpetual cornage diet
by Rhbrhngf May 10, 2023
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