A newbie playing crappy ass starwars games that are lame and totally suck. He likes being an asshat and a complete n00b. He wants to marry his computer and make love to its hard drive.
Guy 1: Do you know codys26?
Guy 2: Yea he is an asshat and is pwned everday by guitarmandan.
Guy 1: Yea he needs to take a bath with a toaster.
by guitarmandan April 2, 2005
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(n) A person being owned by oper cab00se in IRC.
(n) a person who owns stupid people like some of his so called "friends" in school
(10:07 PM) * You were kicked by EoEsnipesimo (|¯| <- there's the exit 12‹3512›)

<Codys26> dude.. i just owned you in minsweeper flags
<guitarmandan5> whuteva whuteva I suck really badly
by Dan Tweeton February 16, 2004
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