A slang term used for chocolate that tastes like a penis.
Cheyanne thought that the cocklate tasted delicious.
by HerDefiantMajesty May 30, 2009
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A penis roughly the size of a cocoa bean.
Johnny's penis was so small......some would call it a cocklate.
by lol918 October 3, 2017
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Poo-ey cum stains. i.e. a result of cumming in someone's bum.
Conor fucked billy's mum in the ass aaaaalll night..... there was cocklate everywhere.
by Funky_Conor August 29, 2006
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When one dips ones erect penis in melted chocolate and lets it harden and then recieves a blowjob.
I asked my girlfriend if she wanted some hot cocklate.
by ComDaddy September 19, 2015
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