The place a voracious cocaine user finds himself after using cocaine all night long, which may involve repeated calls to the supplier and re-ups from the said supplier, when the morning comes and he hears the birds of Satan sing, while rapidly coming down from stimulating effects of cocaine and realizing there is no more cocaine or cash left.

Common locations include the user's abode and cheap motels.
I am in cocaine hell. All I want to do is curl up and wait for the come down to pass. FML.
by YellowestTrashThereEverWas October 16, 2015
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An interjection. Originated from a famous skit in Dave Chappelle's "Chappelle's Show". The skit would portray Rick James, usually high on cocaine, preforming doing crazy and stupid things, such as smacking Charlie Murphy in the face. Rick James would frequently explain away his actions by saying "Cocaine is a hell of a drug".
From "Chappelle's Show":

Rick James: "Why you hit me like that Charlie Murphy?!?!"

Charlie Murphy: "Cause you hit me, man!!"

Rick: "That was weeks ago, motherfucker!!"

Charlie: "NO!! It was tonight!!"

Rick: "What? I..I hit you tonight..."

Charlie(voice over): I could see that he had no idea, he had really forgot."

Rick (Being interveiwed): "Cocaine is a hell of drug."

Example #2

Dude 1: "Dude you are so retarted."

Dude 2: "Hey now, cocaine is a hell of a drug."

Example #3

Dude 1: "What's up dude?

Dude 2: "Cocaine is a hell of a drug!!"

Example #4

Dude 1: "He's in rehab now.'

Dude 2: "Yeah, cocaine is a hell of a drug."
by TomM08 November 7, 2005
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