1. (noun) A member of an Amish community, or one who practices their religion - usually considered offensive.
2. (verb) To commit an act of violence or vandalism against the Amish, esp. by throwing stones or similar objects at an Amish-operated horse-drawn vehicle as it passes along a road (most commonly used intransitively and in the present participle)
2. (verb) To commit an act of violence or vandalism against the Amish, esp. by throwing stones or similar objects at an Amish-operated horse-drawn vehicle as it passes along a road (most commonly used intransitively and in the present participle)
"Any boy or young man in this town who says he's never been out claipping is a liar" - from the TV movie "A Stoning In Fulham County"
by Anthony Brancato July 31, 2003