A VERY LARGE THING humaoungouse and must be said with a very deep slow voice or it dosent work
you got small tanks big tanks large tanks and the CHUNGOID
by qwertykeboard6969 April 12, 2022
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the creature found in fat ass land. its astronomically large ass has pushed their kind went to the appropriately named fat ass lands so the sound of their fat asses do not alert the irs. these creatures ushuly stand at 20 go fucking google that in feet if you American. and they are extremely dangerous. with there attack being they jump up in the air

can only be captured by multiple sleep darts in the ass. if you want to go up against a chungoid then be sure to stock up on some stimpacks and perhaps a suit of power armor. if you don't have power armor combat armor will do. also the only thing that can cause any damage to the chungoid is a fat man because your weapon must be as fat as the thing your fighting. if you run out of mini nukes keep you fus ro da handy. if you want to kill it silanty with a stealt kill you will need to have the red amogus suit and perk (the hardest suit and perk to get in the game) happy hunting lads!
"holy shit is that a large chungus"

"bro look at the ass on that thing (gets stomped to death by large chungoid sitting on him.)"
by white phosphorus November 6, 2021
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