child of the night

All creatures that come out and roam during the night.

Exp: Werewolfs, Vampires, Prostitues, Gargoyles, etc.
"Did you know that I'm a of the child of the night."

"Hmm really? What do you get out of it."

"A couple of silver bullets, free garlic and some loose change here and there"
by Frey Hagalaz Retsuga August 10, 2014
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A Soulless Child of the night is another name for a ginger, reffering to the fact that they cannot go out into the sun for fear of burning their pale skin, and that they have no souls.
Ginger: Whats a Soulless Child of the night?
everyone who isnt a ginger: you are idiot.
by Endeavourpride November 6, 2011
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