The most foul, ungodly, unimaginable disease known to man. One contracts Chikamonosis from dry humping a tortoise and then ejaculating onto a female, just stricken by a car Walrus. There are 3 stages of Chikamonosis.
Stage 1) You begin to have sudden and almost always random bursts of seizure, You also begin to say "Chik" over and over.
Stage 2) You begin to vomit and posess all effects of stage 1.
Stage 3) You become hostile to all other forms of life. You bare all effects of stage 1 and 2, and are now able to spread the disease. You attack all humans and animals on site. Almost like a zombie in "Dawn of the Dead"
"Oh Shit, Erik just came down with Chikamonosis! PUT HIM DOWN!
by Jersh May 17, 2008
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