A sensational snack eaten for pure snacking or can be thrown at other people to show affection. And the person cheese puffed must show a good sign to the cheese puffer so he/she can get the OK to date or possibly kiss.
Man, this cheese puff is good.

Joe:Arlan just cheese puffed her.And she laughed
Bob:OMG!! Seriously?! Ricky's gonna be pissed.
by silver mercedes nailpolish34 February 16, 2010
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to place one's mouth over the butthole and blow a short, powerful blast of air into the anus.
my rusty trombone was immediately followed by a cheese puff.
by gsodthecluck July 24, 2009
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Cheese (from cows) + Puff (from smokers usually weed) = Cheese Puff!
by Der Neger February 3, 2005
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a man suffering from Peyronie's Disease
a crooked or curved penis
I cant believe she married a cheese puff
by lovesumwine November 11, 2014
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the act of puffing cheese on someone's titties
DUDE, did you just cheese puff that girl?
by hotchicknumberone November 21, 2010
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