Legal term used to describe a situation in which a person who seems to be entirely at fault for an event that is punishable by sizable fine and/or jailtime can prove that it was not his or herfault.
Also, whiny, non-responsibility-taking, foolish, last-ditch effort to defer blame.
"The devil made me do it." AND
"I only hit you because you're a whore."
by amc December 1, 2004
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A phrase used to point out the flaw of a specific argument which implies correlation means causation.
Person A: There is a correlation between people who use wheelchairs and people who have had a severe accident therefore.. Boys, don't use wheelchairs. :epic_sunglasses:

Person B: Correlation =/= Causation.

Person A: Oh my goodness, you're right.
by TotallyNotComfy September 25, 2018
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A phrase used to point out the flaw of a specific argument which implies correlation means causation.
Person A: There is a correlation between people who use wheelchairs and people who have had a severe accident therefore.. Boys, don't use wheelchairs. :epic_sunglasses:

Person B: Correlation =/= Causation.

Person A: Oh my goodness, you're right.
by TotallyNotComfy September 25, 2018
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