Literally translated it means pussy face. "Care" (pronounced Ka-re) is short slang for "Cara de" (which is proper for FACE OF....). Put them together and it's CareChimba (prononced....Ka-re-cheemba. This is another word used for assholes and dickheads. The word chimba is very popular in Colombia especially among people of Antioquia (Medellín) and Valle (Cali). This word however is a pretty bad insult!
Ese carechimba si le gusta Joder!!!

That asshole (carechimba) loves to annoy people.
by Adrian T November 20, 2006
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Colombian insult, for major precision from Medellin city surroundings.

It's composed by the morphemes 'care' for 'cara de'(face of) and 'chimba' (paisa word for 'cunt').
Low class paisa girl: I fought Dayana again because she was seducin' my bf.
Another low class paisa girl: Dayana? that carechimba will never learn.
by Santiagoismo October 8, 2019
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Is a colombian word that is used for insult a friend, also if you want to add some ~spyce~ you can add 'hijueputa'
•Carechimba hijueputa
Car-eh-chim-bah / ijue-put-ah
Eres un carechimba / you're a carechimba
No sea bobo carechimba hijueputa / don't be stupid you carechimba hijueputa
by luana13 September 3, 2020
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