canamar is always that one guy in any group of friends to say the n-word, hard R, but is simultaneously the most white, he is also pretty gay and overly confident in his free styling skills, he thinks he’s funny but he’s not, he’s probably the most average gamer of the group but he thinks he’s better then everyone else, over all toxic and super gay, like it’s crazy how gay canamar is like wow he’s so fucking gay it’s actually insane... super gay
canamar why are you so gay?
by SADLYSADSAD May 31, 2019
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This guy is the definition of a radical Islamic ideology. He appeals as a white dude but he is a racist and autistic Islam inside. His partner in life loves it hard up the ass and can't get enough of it. Some say that this man has urges to scream out the N worst at the top of his lungs when he's around friends, no one gets offended though because his partner is black. His haircut Grant's men and women an instant orgasm once one has gazed at it. He is also the #1 suspected school shooter in American.
Why is Rey into canamar?
by God_said May 31, 2019
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This is the whitest man in the group. He will rhyme everything with the word gay. He is the best rapper and Eminem is even scared of this kid. He is terrible at every game he plays though. He is really autistic and retarded. This guy DOES have the n word pass cause his ancestors were black. Although with all of this negative there is always positives and he is fucken the horniest guy you know. He is also gay and his weakness is jellyfish blowjobs by his friends. He has the biggiest wiener in the group though, but it isnt straight it curves and this is a negative cause guys dont like this type of wiener.
Canamar is the weird one and crazy one
by WienerBeaner May 31, 2019
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