When you see someone you know n wanna stay outta arms reach you waLk a wide c-step around them.to stay out of reach of so.eone when walking past them.
DEFINITION -C-step.....walk a wide c shape around someone to stay out of their reach.c step means waking a wide c step around someone you don't want to get in their arms reach

DEFINITION -C-step.....walk a wide c shape around someone to stay out of their reach.
by Allytwackednstacked September 4, 2021
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When you're walking when you're walking by somebody but you don't want to get too close to him so you take two steps out from him and walk in a c shape around them
I wasnt about to get close to that motherfuker so I C stepped him
by Allytwackednstacked September 4, 2021
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