Another word referring to the act of anal sex. It is commonky used by middle schoolers to talk about how cool the homosexual anal sex with their bum chum in boy scouts was.
Tim "that buttscrew i did last night with ryan was so sexy and fun"
Tyler "damn right buttscrew is only cool when its with your buddies"
by Flamingoat April 19, 2018
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Leapfrogging stalled traffic by exiting a merging construction lane at the last minute, effectively shaving minutes off your drive time. Often framed as an accident; the common reasoning being "I didn't see the merging signs or the hundreds of stalled vehicles waiting their turn," or "I'm a better human being."
I can't be late to my daughter's recital again. Time for the hickory buttscrew.
by Scr1bble June 24, 2011
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