When someone is being overly awkward and/or lost for words.
stop being such a bust!!
by yung god 2002 September 30, 2018
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When you fracture your clavicle because a can of beans was thrown at you full force directly onto your clavicle.
Get bean busted, you stinky idiot! Haha, look at him, he just got bean-busted!
by The big bean March 8, 2021
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The act of destroying a toilet w a massive dump that sprays and splatters
After 12 beers and Taco Bell…I busted down the bathroom door at 7-11 and barn busted the dump hole.
by Lapdog83 July 27, 2022
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Someone you have sex with on a consistent basis but would never be in a serious relationship with due to them missing key attributes of a significant other. Not to be confused with a bust down. Bust downs are solely for sex while “bust ups” have potential to be more if they corrected certain things.
Friend: “Are you bringing Brittany home for the holidays?”
Me: “Nah, she’s not quite on that level. She’s just a “bust up”.
by _LoveTKO August 9, 2021
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