a way of saying "hahaha" or "lol"/"lmao" by imitating the laugh of a cranky alcoholic auntie with a cigarette in her mouth. idk i use it but i cant speak for everyone
a: "*pulls out my... phone*"
c: "bufufufuf"


a: "look at this thing"
*imagine i put a picture of some really ridiculous cat or smth*
b: "bufufufuf love it"
by oscar van deka June 11, 2023
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-Is Rhaina your best friend?
-Rhaina bakes and cooks at my house, knows how to use every appliance in my house (other than my microwave), my family asks where she is when she's not at holiday dinners and my grandmother called her "her third granddaughter". She's not my best friend, she's my bufufufuf.
by Squeegy Beckenhiem April 24, 2008
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