The card dealer in the Three Card Monte con. Always promoted as a game of skill. The con artist uses three cards, usually two black spot cards and a red Queen. After placing a lengthwise crimp (bend) in them, he uses a tossing motion with both hands to mix the cards when throwing them facedown on the table. The mark is invited to guess where the Queen lands and is, of course, encouraged to place a wager. Monte hustlers usually work as a team, with a lookout and a third member who acts as a shill to win money and get the crowd involved in the betting.
The big money in this scam comes at the end through a sucker bet. The card dealer (also known as a "broad tosser" because of the action of tossing the Queen) appears to inadvertently place a bend on the corner of the red Queen. The shill informs the mark of this mistake and promises huge profits. What the mark doesn't know is that the card tosser now removes the bend from the red Queen and places an identical bend on one of the black spot cards. Once the mark looses all of his money the scam is moved to another location.
The big money in this scam comes at the end through a sucker bet. The card dealer (also known as a "broad tosser" because of the action of tossing the Queen) appears to inadvertently place a bend on the corner of the red Queen. The shill informs the mark of this mistake and promises huge profits. What the mark doesn't know is that the card tosser now removes the bend from the red Queen and places an identical bend on one of the black spot cards. Once the mark looses all of his money the scam is moved to another location.
Before being appointed President by the U.S. Supreme Court, George "Dubya" Bush was a broad-tosser in several Texas-based investment schemes. He now applies his well-honed skills at the international level.
by Bob Martin July 12, 2004
A person who manipulates three cards -- two red aces and a black queen-- on a flat surface, while barking at passersby to bet they can follow the queen (or "broad") as he moves her and the aces around. He is the most important member of the mob running Three Card Monte, a swindle posing as a game. Other members pose as players who make a show of winning and collecting big bets, which encourages suckers to bet money from their own pokes. . The broad tosser invites players to "chase the lady', before he executes his secret move, whereby he appears to throws the queen face down when in fact , he has exchanged it for one of the aces. The chumps follow the wrong card from the very beginning.
Rodrigo was a broad tosser who dressed like a loser and pretended he couldn't speak English; he attracted cocky, well-dressed men from Wall St. to bet -- and lose--- thousands on Three Card Monte every week.
by MTyeW23 May 30, 2018