Someone with the name of brad who acts radical
Brad: Watch me backflip

Ryan:dude thats radical

Brad:No its bradical
by b2theherb January 18, 2011
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Adj. - A description of a thing or action which is preformed in a manner which is especially gae.
Guy 1: "Mans so comfortable about his sexuality I could suck 10 dicks and still not be gay"

Guy 2: "That's so bradical.. stop!"
by Ha_bee July 23, 2018
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Something so bro and radical, that it's bradical. Also see brad.
"Bro... that was BRADICAL."
by momjeans666 September 18, 2013
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A word used to describe a person,thing, or event that can only be described by combining the words brutal and radical.
by 1337 3R1< FTW August 30, 2008
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dude, that chicks ass is Bradical!!
by beeteeter January 25, 2009
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Performing an act of extreme radicalism and awesomeness. Often used in events where the subject is wearing American Apparel sweaters.
Did you see that dunk James made? Bradical!

Person 1: That Jean Claude Van Damme split was freaking insane!
Person 2: IT. WAS. BRADICAL.
by BradicalBear November 16, 2013
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Wow! That was so Bradical!
by RayRay<3 October 10, 2022
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