Thee act of yelling BORCH out the truck window at people outside (of any age),at a frightened deer in the middle of the night , even neighbors, family and friends.
Three teenagers are just taking a cruise in the Kota. Owen spots out a group of dirtballs, Kyle rolls down the window and yells BORCH at the dirtballs while driving by. (The act of Borching someone)
by *steve morse* November 9, 2014
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(noun) - Porche (the car brand) but with a B.
"Ridin' on a horse, you can whip your BORCHE."
by Sticks Ricks June 29, 2019
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To jab someone really hard in the ass.
Dan was borched so hard he couldn't sit down the next day.
by norcher January 16, 2015
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