Biphonal-someone who can use an android or iphone
Brian was biphonal because he owns an android and his work phone is an iPhone. And he can use both.
by Root beer 0 April 13, 2017
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The iPhone's biggest competitor, the biPhone can do everything the iPhone does, but both ways. Instead of the old boring way of calling someone, you can talk and listen at the same time without pausing to do one at a time. It contains two screens, two microphones, two speakers, twice the amount of apps, and two processors. The biPhone can do multitasking, doing two apps at once. Another feature contains calling or text messaging two contacts at once.
Dude, your phone is so gay!
It's not gay, it's bi.

Is that an iPhone?
No, it's twice as good, it's a biPhone.
by Bdon "BBFF" February 4, 2010
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To use two iPhones at once.
Yesterday my friend was showing me how to use my iPhone and she was using mine and hers at the same time.

I said "Wow girl, you are one hell of a BiPhoner!"
by Peanut and Meatball March 15, 2010
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it means when your bisexual but havent fucked both of genders
so people say bi
or biphoneable
i think im slightly biphoneable
by ojabsfoajbsouabw2r03r235 February 3, 2019
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