dude, benvolio is the man
hell yeah ben-v is the man

all the ladies want benvolio cuz hes the biggest PIMP ever
by pat c May 18, 2005
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benvolio's nip is someone who likes benvolio and someone who likes men's nips
Yashmit is benvolio's nip
by Wade 1738 nah fam February 6, 2018
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Benvolio is the proper response when someone did the action you or others are referring too.
Benvolio! He did it
by bazzingaboy October 8, 2019
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To pull a Benvolio is to tell someone forget about another person they were in love with and feast their eyes on others, like Benvolio from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The person being told this should "forget to think" of the original person.
Example 1:
Person 1: I really like Ruby but I don't think she loves me back.
Person 2: I'm gonna pull a Benvolio and tell you to just forget about her and look for other beauties.

Example 2:
Jane pulled a Benvolio and told her friend to forget about the guy and look for someone else.

Example 3:

Person 1: Did you see that guy? He just told his friend to forget about his crush and go looking for another person to crush on. He really did pull a Benvolio over there.
by Blaws December 17, 2020
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