when someone thinks they know something about beading but they really don't.
Suzy walks into a bead shop with a necklace from Africa that needs to be repaired. She says, "I would like to have this restrung because it keeps coming apart even after I had my friend, Christina, who's a bead expert, restring it for me."
Apparently, Christina tied knots on the end of the strings w/o findings...
Normal beaders would use findings. This is why the necklace keeps coming apart...
Christina is a beadtard.
by Crystal D January 17, 2008
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adjective • offensive old-fashioned
🔈 bi d-ˈtɑ r.dɪd

One that is so addicted to (beading) their brain slowly turns to (beads) eventually the brain turns Into a singular bead. At this point they are rendered incapacitated, only able to mutter the words "(Beads) are love, (Beads)are life."
Yeah man, Zoë is a lost cause. She just got a diagnosis of (beadtardism). Bless her (beady) little brain and bless her man Jake too. Hese basically dating a bead now.
by Danny Skaggs March 10, 2023
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