Sticking a bag of chips up your shirt and claiming that you are pregnant with child.
Jon was due to give birth to a mesquite BBQ chip baby, but a swift punch to the gut led to the termination of the pregnancy.
by SAD Adams January 17, 2007
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A euphemism for fat.
Kevin: Wow, Gareth has quite the chip baby due.
Rach: Yes, though I think yours is further along.
by Sister Kevin September 15, 2013
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Those weird "baby boomers" born after about 1955. These are the ones who got pounded on by their older siblings, or who entered a job market already saturated by the older boomers, and who sometimes get categorized as early x genes rather than boomers?

Well, it's been decided. If xennials get their own name, as a "micro generation" then so should these not boomers.

They are the Baby Chips. Kinda baby boomers, but with chips on their shoulders.
You're part of the baby chips generation
by Stormdaughter August 15, 2018
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