"aoao" is a phrase that basically doesn't mean anything, though can mostly be used in casual texting that could mean that you: have nothing to say, are confused, are flustered/frustrated, or it randomly used at times. Aoao can also be longer and being said as "aoaoaoaooaoa" " AOoAOoaA".

Again. This phrase has no specific meaning and can be used however you want.
It depends on how you feel. If the emotion is felt more strongly then you could type "AOAOA". For example:
"-You are cute.
"I'm gonna have an exam now, I'm so nervous!! AOAOoA"
and so on...
by agaね January 13, 2022
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An exclamation of excitement when you cannot contain yourself to express yourself in standard comprehensible language.
*your favourite song just started playing*
aoaoao this song be bussin bussin!

Person 1: yo your painting is so beautiful, I absolutely love it!
Person 2: aoaoao
by whysquack January 14, 2022
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