
Anix is the most chillest person you'll ever meet. hes just out there happy and calm. He's a great lover and a very funny person. He becomes friends with everything and he will do everything he can for his closest friends.
He's such an anix
by Killeekat March 14, 2017
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a youtuber and a king 🥺
anix is our king.
by spongebob's shoe June 16, 2020
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the best bloxburg ytber.
his accent is so cute.
his laugh is so wholesome.
anix is the best
by glizzyinmybumhole101 June 21, 2020
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Anix is a legendary You-Tuber with 624k Subscribers.
Oh and he has a MASSIVE lisp (i think)
Anix is the best
by Ann!e! December 27, 2021
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The best youtuber ever.. Plays bloxburg on roblox UwU
Anix is super chill
by InternationalAnixFan November 1, 2020
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he is the best youtuber in the dictonary go sub to him on youtube his name is anix
Anix is a GREAT youtuber!
by doglover123456746 February 23, 2021
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Anix is a canadian Roblox YouTuber with a little under 700k subs. He used to do Bloxburg speedbuilds, but he now does Bloxburg commentary videos. He often does collabs with Faulty and frenchrxses. He is 16.

Pleaseeeeeee get him to 700k he is the COOLEST
Anix just posted a Bloxburg video!
by Ademila RBLX April 16, 2021
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