British word used to say "sorted". Can be used in many scenarios.
Jack: Take the car to the garage, get the engine fixed, bobs your uncle.


Jack: Go shopping at 10am, get back to play golf, then off to the pub, and a shag later. bobs your uncle
by manoguv November 30, 2007
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Well, its used to say "And there you go. That simple"

I have no idea where it come from.
Click that there, and bobs your uncle!
by skenmy August 23, 2004
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to "bob" someone (like your uncle), which means completely owning or sweeping them off their feet, or in explicit way attacking them with, bitch-slapping him (or clench his face inbetween) a nice pair of bobs. This term is used mostly by indian people, referring to boobs as part of the joke.

The trend has it that lines like these are replacing unexciting "your ... mother" jokes in multiplayer gaming.
This godlike plan completely bobs your uncle and everyone else

"Bob's your uncle?"
"No mate, I said that my girl bobs your uncle with ease"
by Dv115 April 16, 2019
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A man named indeed your uncle....but he is also a sex attacker....who has stolen several children from local primary schools....the term is a mix between "harry is your grandma" and "eddie is yow bitch mo-fucker".
Boy: Oh...hi there...are you ok? you look kinda ill...
Girls Father: You fucked my daughter!!!, omg WHAT THE FUCK?!!!
Boy: BOBS YOUR UNCLE dick face!
Girls Father: Oh mein GOT!!! im gonna go bustle in the hedgerow.
by omgiwillpwnu August 29, 2006
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