Alendrien Anul'Vierde Nalordore La Direnze Declawe, an Elvish Short version being Aneu Dirmista, or Son of the Twilight Woods, took his seat as Cobalt Active's main channel character in December of 2014. At the beginning, Alendrien was a Night Elf Hunter for the world-dominating MMORPG known as World of Warcraft. As he started to draw Human characters, he created the first version of Alendrien known as Rainbow Shard, depicted as a Super Hero. Around 7th grade, he was met with Minecraft, and it quickly became an obsession. The character's name was now called Goldfury Alexander Declawe, and he was a Mystician Extra Terrestrial from a foreign planet Colossia. Coby decided to add more characters to the puzzle, resulting in seven characters. Some of the old characters names were Dredearth, Zephrigon, Jokie, Sage, and Taylorta. Although Cobalt included many of these characters later as either supporting characters or campaign characters, some were completely altered, Zephrigon turning into Zuma, losing a lot of his (now a her) Identity. Soon after, Cobalt wanted to bring the originals back and re-named Goldfury to be Alendrien altogether. Not a year past and Cobalt's minecraft account was hacked and stolen. Alendrien became a sufferer of the DIO Effect, a warp between life and death where he struggles to survive. Now, with large ambitions, Cobalt Active, along with Alendrien Anul'Vierde Nalordore La Direnze Declawe, have their mindsets on changing their worlds... Forever.
Alendrien Anul'Vierde is not god trusted, but DIO.
by CobaltActive May 13, 2015
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