The Mexican "for real'' expression in Spanish Language. It can be used to ask or confirm.
White boy: Hey Homie, let's try that new thing called the "gravity bong"

Homie: Al chile?

White boy: Al chile!
by PokarFace June 19, 2010
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the spanish translation for "word". for the bilingually impaired, al chile directly translates to "to the chile".al chile is used in the same way as word, either to ask if a person is for real, or for confirming that indeed you are being for real, it is mostly when a mexican talks to another mexican or chicano
vato A: wus up wit chu and sophia homie?
vato B: shiiii ese smell my fingers!!!!
vato A: Al Chile?
vato B: al chile homie
by DEiNO October 11, 2006
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Local slang in some Latin American countries for "Oh really?"
by nixienefarious October 21, 2010
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Spanish-originated word meaning word or hell yeah!!
Can also be used in the form of damn strait and damn right.
Al chile example:

Frat kid 1: "Dude, that party was dope."
Frat kid 2: "Al chile."
Frat kid 3: "Dude, lets get wasted!!"
Frat kid 4: "Al Chilaayyyy!!"
by That Kappa Sig guy May 11, 2013
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Mae 1- Mae le voy a llegar a ella
Mae 2-Enserio?
Mae 1-Al chile!
by TheCostaRicanguy April 6, 2018
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