Suck ass motherfuckin wanabee German hip - hop record label who only is popular to suck ass whack people who actually think they are actually gangstas. It features some suck ass ugly german rapper who hides his face with a mask skull(Sido). This wigger who calls himselfneger, and actually painting his skin darker (B-tight). Some stupid fat ass (Fler).
All of them suck. Mein Block, and Fuffies Im Club (fifty doller bills in the club) is just an attempt to fuckin make people who listen to this shit act like a bunch of stereotypical gangstas.
by MQZ March 20, 2005
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While in an MMORPG dungeon group, to engage either one very strong enemy (a boss) or many weaker enemies and leave the group with the intent of having them overwhelm and kill the remaining party members.

This is usually done out of spite or as an act of retribution against a particularly hostile or annoying group member. In MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, deaths result in substantial gear repair fees which add to the general annoyance of having to be resurrected.
That pug was pissing me off; so, I aggro bombed them and left the group. I hope they enjoy their repairs.
by Thenory Thickwhistle June 22, 2011
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When a man gets a boner due to something hot that he cannot take action on
I was hanging out with my friend sally the other day and when she bent over to grab something I got an aggro boner.
by Dickbuttfucktruck August 16, 2017
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1. An action that causes immediate aggravation and hostility from those around you

Origin- Slang term for the spell "Prayer of Healing" used by priests in World of Warcraft. In early versions of the game, it was infamous for generating large amounts of aggro, making it almost unusable in group or raid settings. Later updates have lessened the amount or importance of aggro, but the name is still used in some circles.

see also- aggro bomb
"Things were going great until I cast prayer of aggro and I got rofled by adds!"
by keleynal March 14, 2012
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When a woman has a kid from another man.
The worst kind of aggro.
I was gonna get her number until she pulled out a picture of her with some little guy and I found out she had child aggro.
by Kyori April 23, 2008
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The greatest DayZ servers on XBOX Community.
Guy 1: "Wanna play DayZ?"
Guy 2: "Sure, but only if we play Aggro PVP servers"
Guy 1: "It's the only one I play"
by Skynet 2.0 July 31, 2021
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